Many types of allegations have been made against the messaging app Telegram. Countries like India and France have found that this app is a hotspot for illegal activities.
The popular messaging app Telegram is facing a potential ban in India and France due to allegations of hosting criminal activities. Recently, France arrested the founder and CEO of Telegram, Pavel Durov, in Paris.
The 39-year-old billionaire was detained after failing to mitigate illegal activities on his platform. An arrest warrant was already issued against Durov on July 8, and his arrest aims to facilitate further interrogation of the Russian billionaire.
Although the arrest took place in France, Telegram may also face a ban in India. India has raised serious concerns about the app’s security and its use for illegal activities. On July 24, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) uncovered a stock price manipulation scheme on the app.
The Indian government has been closely monitoring this messaging channel ever since this incident came to light. In another case in Bhopal, two men used the app to defraud a doctor of 38 lakhs, further raising concerns about the app’s potential threat.
With concrete evidence against the app and the CEO detained, India may also move towards banning Telegram.
Why did France detain Pavel Durov?
The Paris Public Prosecutor’s Office released an arrest warrant for the Telegram owner in an investigation. The investigation was opened on July 8 on the app’s involvement in drug trafficking, organized crime, fraud, minor pornography, and more.
Even an Indian official has compared this app with the dark web. The app hosts all illegal activities, from fraud to murders.
Will Telegram be banned in India?
The messaging platform has not yet been banned in India. However, experts believe that it will soon shut down in the country. Most of the decisions will be made based on Pavel’s reaction to the allegations and his promises to mitigate the misuse.
What kind of illegal activities are taking place over Telegram?
Telegram has faced allegations of being used for various illegal activities, like;
Terrorism and Extremism: Telegram has been accused of being a platform where terrorist organizations and extremist groups communicate. Some groups prefer this app due to its ability to create encrypted, private channels and groups.
Cybercrime and Hacking: Cybercriminals have used Telegram to sell stolen data, distribute malware, and offer hacking services.
Illegal Trading and Stock Manipulation: In India, this app was involved in a stock price manipulation scheme.
Fraud and Scams: Telegram has also been used in various fraud schemes, including financial scams.
Distribution of Child Exploitation Material: The app has been criticized for being used to share child exploitation material in certain cases.
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