Court Rejects Case Against Prime Minister Narendra Modi 

Court Rejects Case Against Prime Minister Narendra Modi 

Bengaluru court rejected a complaint by a human rights activist against Narendra Modi. The complaint was about the hate speech by the Indian Prime Minister during the general elections. 

A few years ago, Time magazine labeled Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi the “Divider in Chief.” Modi has often proven this title accurate, delivering divisive and false rhetoric. Despite this, no action has been taken against him, and he has won elections based on misinformation.

Recently, human rights activist and social worker Ziaurrahaman Nomani filed a private complaint against Prime Minister Modi in Bengaluru. Nomani accused Modi of spreading false information, outraging religious feelings, and causing public mischief. 

“The complaint filed by the complainant under Sec. 200 of Cr. P.C for the offenses P/U/Sec. 153A, 153B, 295A, 503, 504, and 505(2) of IPC against the accused is at this moment rejected as not a fit case to refer U/Sec. 156(3) of Cr. P.C for investigation,” the special magistrate’s court ruled on Tuesday regarding the personal criminal complaint filed on May 15, 2024.

Ziaurrahaman Nomani’s complaint focused on statements made by Modi during Lok Sabha election campaigning. Modi claimed that the Congress would seize Hindu properties and distribute them among Muslims. He also accused the Indian minority of having high birth rates.

However, according to fact-checks, all the claims made by the Prime Minister were utterly false. As part of his political strategy, Modi has delivered numerous false and hateful statements against the Indian minority. Ironically, during an interview, Modi claimed that he would be out of fashion if he divided people.

Now, Ziaurrahaman has the right to file his complaint with a higher court. 

Under which sections was the complaint against Narendra Modi filed?

The complaint against Narendra Modi was filed under six sections of the IPC:

  • Section 153A: Promoting enmity between different groups on grounds such as religion or race, disturbing public harmony.
  • Section 153B: Making assertions prejudicial to national integration.
  • Section 295A: Deliberate acts intended to outrage religious feelings by insulting religion or beliefs.
  • Section 503: Criminal intimidation by threatening injury to a person, reputation, or property.
  • Section 504: Intentional insult intending to provoke a peace breach.
  • Section 505(2): Statements promoting enmity, hatred, or ill-will between classes.

This isn’t the first time complaints have been filed against Modi. He has a long list of alleged criminal offenses, including being a prime accused in the Gujarat riots that caused in the deaths of hundreds of citizens.

Also read: All Criminal Cases Against Former U.S. President Donald Trump

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