February 2: What is Special Today

National River Day 

February 2 is associated with many national and international events and holidays. Let’s explore what special events fall on the second of Fab. 

National River Day 

Rivers have been the most important part of human life throughout known history. Today, we have plenty of resources to get water for ourselves and for crops as well. However, rivers were the only resource of water throughout history.

National River Day is an event dedicated to paying tribute to the rivers that have given us everything we need for our lives. This day is also important to recognize the importance of rivers in human life and take care of them. 

History of National River Day

The history of rivers is associated with the start of human civilization. Most of the societies in history are linked with some rivers and there is no exact clue about the first river in history. However, Finke, in Central Australia, is known as the oldest river in the world. 

The history of Finke is associated with 250 million years ago. 

National Catchers Day

The United States also celebrates National Catchers Day on February 2. The catcher in baseball and softball is a key player who crouches behind the home plate. They work closely with the pitcher, giving them a target to aim at. The catcher catches the balls the batter misses and is ready for any foul balls. They are like a leader on the field because they can see the whole area well.

National Catchers Day is a day to appreciate and celebrate these important players!

History of National Catchers Day

National Catchers Day was founded by Xan Barksdale in 2019. This day is meant to shine a light on this foundational position of baseball and softball. 

National Crepe Day

February second is celebrated as National Crepe Day in the United States. The day is curated to encourage people to turn their fast pancakes into a better and thinner version to go healthy. 

On occasion of National Crepe Day people enjoy this delicious and health friendly dish. 

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