Wyatt Russell encountered a bear while shooting Monarch: Legacy of Monsters

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters

Wyatt Russell, son of Kurt Russell, has recently revealed an incident he faced during the shoot of Monarch: Legacy of Monsters. Russell shared his experience of facing a bear on the very first day of shooting. 

While talking with Hoda Kotb, Wyatt explained, “They sent us (team) down this trail, ’cause we are going to start 100 yards down the trail, ’cause we are going to walk up wearing these masks. And I have a gun on, and you are looking, whatever. Indiana Jones is cool. 

He added that right after the action was yelled, someone (from his team) said, “Is that a bear?” I am like, Huh? And I looked behind me, and there was a bear-like 20 yards away. Wyatt also explained his reaction by saying, ” I was like, go away, bear! And make yourself big.

Russell’s son continued the story of Monarch: Legacy of Monsters and said; my first reaction was to reach for my prop gun. “And I am like, the gun does not fire. This does not work.”

He said; despite my efforts, the bear started walking toward me until a grip blew an air horn and scared the animal off. 

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Wyatt Russell and Kurt Russell, both father and son, have played the same character of different ages. Monarch: Legacy of Monsters was the first time when they came together to work on the same show. 

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