Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

Chronic kidney disease

CKD, or chronic kidney disease, is a severe condition when your kidneys are damaged and unable to filter blood the way they should. The major risk factors for developing CKD or chronic kidney disease are high BP, diabetes or sugar, heart issues, and a history of kidney failure. 

Causes of CKD

As mentioned, high BP and diabetes are the most common reasons for kidney disease. You may consult your healthcare expert, as they may do tests to find out why you have chronic kidney disease. The major cause of your kidney disease can impact the type of treatment you get. 

Symptoms of chronic kidney disease

Vomiting, muscle cramps, nausea, loss of appetite, swelling via ankles and feet, itchy, dry skin, trouble sleeping, and shortness of breath are the major symptoms of chronic kidney disease. 

However, these are generally the later stages but may also occur in other disorders. 

Prevention to lower your risk of developing CKD

Here are a few prevention tips to lower your risk of developing CKD-

Follow instructions on OTC medicines.

You should follow the instructions carefully when taking nonprescription painkillers such as ibuprofen, aspirin, and acetaminophen. Using too many painkillers for a long time may lead to kidney damage. 

Avoid smoking

Cigarette smoking can be harmful as it may harm your kidneys and make existing kidney damage worse than before. If you have a habit of smoking, you should consult your healthcare expert about ways to quit. Counseling, support groups, and medications may all provide you with help to stop smoking. 

Maintain a healthy weight

If you are a person with a healthy weight, you should maintain it by being physically fit and active most days of the week. Various ways can help you lose weight quickly. You may try them or consult your healthcare expert or dietitian regarding the strategies for healthy weight loss. 

Manage your health conditions with your doctor’s help

If you suffer from conditions or diseases that raise your risk of chronic kidney disease, you may work with your healthcare expert to manage them. You may ask your doctor/healthcare expert about tests to look for symptoms of kidney damage. 

Lifestyle changes

It is one of the most helpful ways that help to manage chronic kidney disease. You may choose a healthy lifestyle that may positively affect kidney health. It includes avoiding tobacco and alcoholic beverages, managing stress, maintaining a healthy diet, and more. 

Dietary changes

Depending on the unique needs of each person, a renal diet can be suggested. To ease the workload on the kidneys, you should limit potassium, sodium, and phosphorus from your meals. Along with these, dialysis and kidney transplantation are the other final steps that help a person with CKD. 

I hope you will follow these instructions to get the beneficial outcomes. If any of you have chronic kidney disease, follow these steps, and don’t forget to consult with your healthcare expert. 

Please visit our health and technology page for more health-related updates. 

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