January 14: What is Special Today

Ratification Day: January 14

It’s January 14 today, and it’s popular for many national and international events. Let’s see what special events fall on January 14. 

International Kite Day

January 14 is celebrated as International Kite Day, especially in the Asian region. Kites are a pretty and enjoyable source for humans and give them an extraordinary experience. International Kites Day symbolizes the end of the winter season and the start of summer in Asia. 

On this particular day, people in India organize multiple events and Kite competitions. They celebrate it as a festival called “Makar Sankranti.” People from the ancient Sanatan religion enjoy this event from each corner of the earth. 

History of International Kite Day

There is no proper or trustworthy source to claim an exact date of origin of International Kite Day. However, as per a report by The Quint, the first Kite was invented in China in the 28th century BC. However, it gained popularity in the 1700s in Lucknow, India. 

International Kite Day originated in Gujarat, India. Gujarat is still known for its colorful events and Kite-flying competitions. 

Ratification Day

January 14 is also celebrated as the Ratification Day in the United States. It is celebrated as the anniversary of the Congressional declaration of ratification of the Treaty of Paris. This treaty is known in history for ending the American Revolutionary War and stabilizing the United States as independent. It also ended America’s status as a British colony.

History of Ratification Day

According to The Citizen, the Treaty of Paris was ratified on January 14, 1784. From that day, American citizens have celebrated January 14 as Ratification Day. 

However, the Treaty of Paris was signed on September 3, 1783, by John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and John Jay on behalf of the United States and David Hartley on behalf of Great Britain. 

Cesarean Section Day

Cesarean Section Day is celebrated on January 14 to recognize the importance of cesarean surgery. This surgery has saved millions of children and mothers during the baby-birth. 

When it is not possible to deliver a baby safely through traditional or standard methods, cesarean surgery provides an option to save both the mother and the baby. This is why people celebrate January 14 as Cesarean Section Day. 

History of Cesarean Section Day

Although records of cesarean surgery date back to Roman history, 1794 was the first year recorded for successful cesarean surgery. Jesse Bennett performed the first successful cesarean surgery and saved both the baby and the mother. 

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