New Technique for Cancer Treatment Can Kill 99% of Cancer Cells 

Technique for Cancer Treatment

American scientists are working on a new technique for cancer treatment. In the early stages, this technology has been proven to kill 99% of cancer cells.

Researchers in the United States have found a new technique for cancer treatment. According to recent experiments, scientists are planning to destroy cancer cells using near-infrared light. They have also achieved great success in the initial phase of their research. 

According to the researchers involved in the experiment, this technique has proved effective in destroying up to 99 percent of cancer cells.

What is the new technique for cancer treatment?

In simple terms, researchers have tried to vibrate molecules inside a cancer cell using near-infrared light. This vibration inside the cancer cells generates heat and motion to break the cancer cell membrane and destroy the cell completely.

The complete method includes vibrating a small dye molecule used in medical imaging by exciting it with near-infrared light. This activity results in plasmon, something like waves in the sea. 

This creates vibration and heat inside the cancer-affected cell and damages the cell membrane by putting pressure on it. Ultimately, the cell is destroyed, and the new technique for cancer treatment reaches its target.

However, according to medical experts, this is the initial stage of research. The research is not complete yet, and some challenges may have to be faced in it. 

Using lights for medical purposes is not a new concept.

Using light for therapeutic purposes is not a new concept, and researchers are exploring different ways to use different wavelengths of light in medical science. Near-infrared light is the part of the electromagnetic spectrum that has the ability to penetrate deeper into tissues than visible light. 

Therefore, it can be the best option for cancer treatment.

These findings were published in December in Nature Chemistry. For more information, please visit the website. 

Please note: Information on Viral Infos is for general medical awareness only. Please do not use it as a substitute for professional healthcare advice.

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