Nicole Kidman Opens Up About Practical Magic 2

Nicole Kidman Opens Up About Practical Magic 2

Nicole Kidman and Sandra Bullock are returning in the sequel of Practical Magic. The duo will also contribute to the production of the next installment of 1998’s hit. 

Nicole Kidman confirmed her return in the new part of Practical Magic and revealed that she will play opposite her returning co-star, Sandra Bullock. However, she refused to reveal anything about the storyline and said, “You have to ask Sandy.” 

Nicole Kidman also suggested that the movie is still in its early stages, and it will be too early to say anything about the project. After her statement, one thing is clear: the sequel to Practical Magic is in the pipeline. 

However, Warner Bros. also announced earlier this month that they are working on the sequel of Practical Magic. 

Nicole Kidman is currently busy promoting her new Netflix movie, “A Family Affair. There is no official confirmation of what Sandra Bullock is doing nowadays. Per her Instagram posts, she is enjoying her time with her family. 

Star cast of Practical Magic 

The makers have not announced anything about the cast of Practical Magic 2. However, most of the stars from the last movie are still visible. 

Here is the main cast and their respective roles in the film:

Sandra Bullock as Sally Owens – A member of the Owens family of witches who tries to lead an everyday life.

Nicole Kidman as Gillian Owens – Sally’s free-spirited sister.

Stockard Channing as Aunt Frances (Fran) Owens – One of the Owens sisters’ aunts who raise them.

Dianne Wiest as Aunt Bridget (Jet) Owens – The other aunt who helps raise Sally and Gillian.

Aidan Quinn as Gary Hallet – A police investigator who becomes involved with Sally.

Goran Visnjic as Jimmy Angelov – Gillian’s abusive boyfriend, whose death brings trouble to the Owens family.

Evan Rachel Wood as Kylie Owens – Sally’s elder daughter.

Alexandra Artrip as Antonia Owens – Sally’s younger daughter.

Camilla Belle as Young Sally Owens – A younger version of Sandra Bullock’s character.

Lora Anne Criswell as Young Gillian Owens – A younger version of Nicole Kidman’s character.

Caprice Benedetti as Maria Owens – The ancestor of the Owens family who started the family curse.

    “Practical Magic” is a 1998 film based on Alice Hoffman’s novel of the same name. The movie follows the Owens sisters, Gillian and Sally, who come from a long line of witches. The Owens family is plagued by a curse that dooms any man who falls in love with an Owens woman to an untimely death.

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