Serious allegations of sexual assault against James Dolan

James Dolan

A woman has filed a lawsuit against Knicks owner James Dolan, accusing him of sexual harassment. The petitioner has also mentioned Harvey Weinstein for sexually exploiting her with the support of James Dolan. However, both the accused have denied the allegations and are ready to fight it in court.

A woman named Kelly Croft has filed a federal lawsuit against James Dolan, accusing him of having sexual intercourse with her without her consent. She also accused Dolan of connecting her to Harvey Weinstein, who also sexually harassed her. 

In the federal lawsuit filed in Los Angeles District Court, Croft highlights an assault in 2014 when the Eagles hired her as a massage therapist on a tour. During the same tour, Dolan asked her for therapy, and when she went for the job, Dolan forcibly sexually assaulted her.

She also mentioned that Dolan was one of the most powerful persons in the media and entertainment who repeatedly abused her multiple times. 

In addition, Croft also has pointed out Harvey Weinstein, who also sexually assaulted her, and this happened because of Dolan. As per the lawsuit, Ms. Croft said: “James Dolan manipulated me, brought me to California to abuse me, and then set me up for a vicious attack by Weinstein. 

Croft’s lawsuit says that in the first tour, Dolan assaulted her multiple times, and in the second tour, another person, Weinstein, joined him. According to the lady, her meeting with Weinstein was Dolan’s plan, as per CNN report.

What do Dolan and Weinstein’s lawyers say

Both lawyers have denied all the accusations by Croft. Dolan’s lawyer, E. Danya Perry, said: “There is absolutely no merit to any of the allegations against Mr. Dolan. Kellye Croft and James Dolan had a friendship.” She also said: “Mr. Dolan always believed Ms. Croft to be a good person and is surprised she would agree to these claims.” She also talked about facts and added, “Bottom line, this is not a he said/she said matter, and there is compelling evidence to back up our position. We look forward to proving that in court.”

In addition, Weinstein’s lawyer, Jennifer Bonjean, also countered the claims and said, “vehemently denies these meritless allegations and looks forward to litigating these claims in a court of law where the truth will be revealed.”

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