Burning Sun: How people’s blind faith destroys lives 

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Burning Sun, a documentary by BBC, portrays how people’s blind faint in their favorite destroyed lives. One of the biggest sex scandals in South Korea’s history destroyed the lives of investigative journalists. 

It’s good to love someone’s art and appreciate their work or efforts, but blindly assuming they are perfect is never a good idea. This is what happened in South Korea, and the BBC documentary Burning Sun sheds light on this. 

Burning Sun shows how some celebrities in South Korea put humanity to shame. It also highlights the sacrifice of two journalists who paid a lot for their true work. Furthermore, the documentary also tries to hold a mirror up to the public that blindly trusts celebrities and how trolls ruin lives.

Jung Joon Young’s Crime 

Even the documentary starts with Jung Joon Young‘s girlfriend claiming that the singer has recorded some of their private videos. Park Hyo reports Jung’s girlfriend’s claims. On the other hand, Jung calls all the claims baseless.

This was enough for blind lovers to mentally harass the journalist. People started abusing Hyo through the internet, phone calls, and personal messages. He began receiving all kinds of threats, and it became difficult for him even to leave the house.

Burning Sun: How people's blind faith destroys lives 
Burning Sun: How people’s blind faith destroys lives 

The harassment was so brutal that Park suffered two miscarriages due to the stress and is now childless.

Kang Kyung Yoon’s Investigation 

SBS reporter Kang Kyung Yoon decided to keep the work that Park started. She got some clues in 2019. These clues included leaked chats from Jung’s phone, intimate chats, and videos featuring Jung and other K-pop celebrities. 

The new information shed light on some other big names who were involved in multiple rapes or sexual assaults. The participation of some of the biggest names in the business, such as Island guitarist Choi Jong-hoon, Jung Joon-Young, and Seungri, astounded fans worldwide. A prominent official was also involved in the crime. 

This time, the media had enough evidence to expose the celebrities and their wrongdoings. This time, the officials also took the report seriously and acted appropriately. They took the culprits on remand and made every possible effort for the victory of truth.

What was the crime of Jung? 

According to “Burning Sun” and other previous reports, Jung and his friends raped many girls. They sexually assaulted girls in the security of a police officer. After his girlfriend, multiple other girls raise their voices for justice. 

According to the data received, in a video, Jung and his friends raped a girl who was lying almost unconscious. In the chat, one of the men admitted, “It sounded like her skull was cracking.” He discussed about the girl they raped when she was unconscious. Jung replied, “Literally the funniest night of my entire life.” 

This was the reply from the people’s hero. You may watch the documentary to understand more about such public figures. 

Also read: Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi is Missing after Helicopter Crash 

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