December 5 Special: World Soil Day

World Soil Day

December 5 is celebrated as the World Soil Day all across the world. Let’s have a look at the importance and history of this special day. 

World Soil Day

Our existence, along with animals and plants, depends on the wonderful gifts of nature. One of the most important is soil. With the help of water, soil provides us with about 95% of the food we need. It is like a lifeline for our crops, making it play a vital role in keeping us all nourished and prosperous.

Yet, our soils are becoming depleted due to climate change and human activities. This is where World Soil Day (WSD) comes in. It is a celebration with a mission: to make people aware of how important soil is to our planet and to encourage nations to take steps to enhance soil health.

History of World Soil Day 

World Soil Day began in 2002 when the International Union of Soil Sciences suggested celebrating it. The idea behind the establishment of World Soil Day was to provide a dedicated occasion to celebrate the importance of soil. It is a day to recognize and appreciate the essential role that soil plays in sustaining life on Earth.

In 2015, another important program related to soil conservation was established to ensure its protection and promote greater awareness. This initiative reflects our ongoing commitment to protect our valuable soil resources and encourage broader understanding of their importance.

How to Celebrate WSD?

The biggest way of celebrating world soil day is spreading awareness regarding the importance of soil and how to safeguard it. You can also organize different activities in colleges or other institutes to attract more people. 

On the other hand, watching movies and shows promoting soil conservation can be another good idea to celebrate WSD. You can also plant trees or develop water gardens to make the earth more healthy. 

Please click here to read more global days.

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