The girl sent 8000 cards to Harry Styles; court punished her

The girl sent 8000 cards to Harry Styles; court punished her

The court banned Mayra Carvalho from watching Harry Styles shows and concerts for ten years. After being found guilty of stalking charges, she was also sentenced to 14 weeks imprisonment. 

The girl sent 8000 cards to Harry Styles; court punished her
Harry Styles

Harry Styles recently found relief from a distressing situation where he received an overwhelming number of cards sent to his home by a woman named Mayra Carvalho. Over the span of a month, she sent around 8000 cards to Styles. Many of those cards were hand-written, while others were purchased on the internet.

In response to the harassment, Harry decided to take legal action. Carvalho appeared in court at the Harrow Crown Court in London, where she was proven guilty of a stalking charge. She admitted to causing serious distress to Harry. As a consequence, the court issued a restraining order against Carvalho for a duration of 10 years. This order prohibits her from attending any events involving Harry Styles and bars her from contacting him directly.

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Furthermore, according to media reports, Carvalho is restricted from visiting certain areas of North West London. Additionally, she was instructed to pay a victim surcharge amounting to £134 as part of the consequences for her actions.

What do we know about Mayra Carvalho?

We do not have enough information about the lady. However, according to the reports, she is a 35-year-old Brazilian national. She has been in the UK since December, and her family did not know she had traveled to the country. 

It is not clear why she was doing such an annoying thing with Harry Styles. However, people are speculating that she did it all just to come into the limelight. 

Well, don’t know about the limelight, but she got the right lesson from the court. No matter how much you love someone, making him uncomfortable for the sake of your love is never right. 

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