December 1 Special: What Is Special Today

December 1 Special

Today is December 1, and it holds massive importance for some nations worldwide. Here, we have compiled some of the significant events the world celebrates on November 28.

World AIDS Day

December 1 is celebrated as World AIDS Day to spread awareness against Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. AIDS is a pandemic that spreads by the spread of H.I.V. infection. It is estimated that 40 million people have died due to AIDS worldwide since 1981. Not only this, about 37 million people are still living with H.I.V. 

H.I.V. is a human immunodeficiency virus that often leads to AIDS, an untreatable condition. However, there is no cure for H.I.V.; it can be controlled with proper medical care. 

History of H.I.V. and link with December 1

World AIDS Day has the distinction of being the first global day to be named and recognized internationally. This important day was inaugurated in December 1988 under the auspices of the World Health Organization (WHO). 

The establishment of World AIDS Day marks a significant moment in the collective global effort to raise awareness of the HIV/AIDS pandemic, remember those who have lost their lives to this disease, and express solidarity with individuals and communities affected by HIV/AIDS around the world. 

Central African Republic Day 

The Central African Republic, commonly known as C.A.R., observes Republic Day on December 1 each year. This day holds significance as it marks the anniversary of the territory gaining autonomy in 1958, even though it remained under French control at that time.

Chad Freedom & Democracy Day 

Chad celebrates December 1 as their freedom and democracy day to commemorate the win of Idris Deby against the cruel government of Hissene Habre in 1990. This day also reminds the start of the presidency of Deby Rose. 

Click here to learn more about national and international days. 

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